Hi, I’m Emily.

First, I’m a mom of two, and I’m married to an amazing human. 

Most of my life, I’ve tried to be what society says I should be, in each title I hold, as a woman, mother, wife, sibling, child and senior leadership professional. I’d say that I’ve gotten pretty good at it, too. That said, what society deems normal is extremely hard to keep up with and nearly impossible to achieve. It’s always been just beyond reach as I’ve moved into different chapters of my life. 

I’ve spent the last 40 years trying to fit myself into these expectations. From 20 to 40 years old I stumbled and hard. I numbed with drugs and alcohol. I tried to control something in my life through an eating disorder. Spent decades sitting in my shame. I strived to be choosable by others instead of choosing myself. Self deprecating over self love. 

I’ve climbed the corporate ladder to senior positions and still felt like I needed more in my career and that I still wasn’t good enough or smart enough. This is where my many lives collided and I began to realize that I was being whoever they needed me to be but not who I needed me to be.

I spent years in therapy gaining information and awareness of myself. Once I started working with my coach I was able to build on that awareness, get more curious and, most importantly, put actions into place. These actions opened up an entirely new world, one in which I was already whole and complete – just as I am!

A key to this success was learning to go inward to find value, purpose and meaning. I’ve learned to go down into my body as often, or more often, than going straight into my head. I’ve collected tools to love myself and my body and seen first hand how these tools change lives. 

This is what I strive to provide anyone I am coaching. A life-changing clarity, curiosity and desire to create a life you love and deserve.

I hope we can start a journey to find your joy!

Emily Clarkson CLC

I am not a licensed therapist or doctor, nor do I pretend to be one.

Start Your Journey To Find Joy

My Purpose

My purpose is to share what I have learned through my experiences. I help others learn more about themselves by noticing, questioning and make small changes . I help people take agency over their lives to create a more joyful life through understanding, compassion and action.

I believe that the more we open ourselves up to hear and choose to listen, the more we can pivot from judgment to empathy and the more we can connect with one another for the greater good of everyone.

Topics You’ll See In My Story

Some of the areas in my life I’ll cover in the process of sharing my story are: mindfulness, parenting, burnout, eating disorders, drug addiction, alcoholism, panic disorder, adoption, fertility challenges, miscarriage, professional work and running.